Top Grooming Tips for Men

Bad news, gents - women don't judge attractiveness in the same way men do. While a man might admire or dismiss a woman on the basis of one of two things he notices about her, women are much more interested in the appearance of the whole package. From hairstyle to shoes, they'll assess a potential suitor - and if any detail's not right, they'll find it hard to warm to you.
This doesn't mean you have to spend hours grooming - women are often put off by a man who spends too long on his appearance. As long as you're aware of these 'pet hates', you'll never have to worry about making a bad first impression.
Top Turn-Off: Over-styled hair
Masses of gel or enough wax for a candle might help you style your hair effectively, but they won't endear you to women. Using too much product not only smacks of an intolerable vanity, it feels like running your fingers over a dirty stove top. Groom it into place by all means, but remember a slightly tousled look is much sexier than a rigid barnet.Top Turn-On: Touchable Hair
Women with long hair know that hair you want to touch gives them sex appeal, so exploit your locks in a similar way. Make sure your hair's clean, preferably using conditioner as well as shampoo to keep it soft, and neatly trimmed -straggly bits over the collar or ears look unsightly and tend to get greasy quickly.Top Turn-Off: Dirty Fingernails
You might think your dirt-encrusted hands and nails make you look like a rugged, macho labouring type, but to women it just looks as if you don't know how to wash - and they certainly won't want you touching them. Get busy with the nail brush and use an emery board to remove rough edges. It's not effeminate, just practical.Top Turn-On: Attention to Detail
Remember, women notice everything, and sweating the small stuff can only boost your image in their oh-so discerning eyes. If you've got facial hair, wash and trim it; if you haven't, shave before you go out. Stray hairs in the nose and ear area, creased shirts or socks with holes are all very off-putting, so don't give anyone any excuse to complain about your presentation.Top Turn-Off: Dodgy Dress Sense
There's nothing in the rule book that says you have to be a designer-clad fashionista, but avoiding 'blokey' clothes (rugby or football shirts, T-shirts with rude messages on and anything with very loud patterns) in favour of more elegant, viewer-friendly attire will definitely make you more appealing at first glance.Top Turn-On: Casual Chic
Smart, plain separates are the order of the day when dressing to impress in a low-key way. A jumper or shirt marks you out as more sophisticated than a T-shirt wearer, while trousers or jeans should be dirt- and hole-free. The hems should rest on the top of your shoes - any longer or shorter and you'll look a clown. Make sure your footwear isn't incongruous with the rest of the outfit - if you've got a casual shirt and jeans on, wearing formal shoes looks out of place, so stick to trainers instead.Top Turn-Off: Body Odour
It sounds obvious, but it's amazing how many men seem to be immune to their own smell. Wash and add decent anti-perspirant before you go out on the town - even if you weren't sweaty beforehand, pubs and clubs are invariably overheated and overcrowded. If you're prone to sweating, get a good mate to have a quick sniff before you leave the house and tell you honestly whether more deodorant's needed.Top Turn-On: A Hint of Aftershave
Men who smell great appeal to women's baser senses more than those who don't use anything. Experiment to find something you like - perfumes smell different depending on the individual and what suits one person won't necessarily work for you. Don't, under any circumstances, apply more than half a teaspoonful. Any more and the aroma will be so overpowering you risk suffocating every woman within a two-mile radius.Top Turn-Off: Cheesy Chat-up Lines
Contrary to popular belief, a chat-up line does not prove you have a sense of humour - it simply makes you look unoriginal. Begin with an overly familiar come-on and you risk looking as if you're only after one thing, which is a surefire way to guarantee you won't get it. It's much safer and more effective to stick to small talk.Top Turn-On: A Sense of Humour
There's a reason funny men are at the top of every woman's wish list. Making jokes carries multiple benefits; it breaks conversational ice, relaxes the people in your company and makes you look like a fun person to be with. Slip in the odd gag as you chat to your preferred woman, and chances are you'll be laughing all night long.Business Energy With a Difference
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